Automobiles are four-wheeled motor vehicles that are designed to carry people and cargo. They are the most common form of personal transportation. There are many benefits of owning a car, including freedom and independence. It is also convenient, as one can travel from one place to another without relying on public transportation.
The automobile is an important part of our daily lives, and the industry provides a lot of jobs. It is also a major user of other industrial products, including steel and petroleum. In the United States, automobile production and sales account for a significant portion of gross domestic product (GDP).
Although the modern automotive industry is centered in the United States, it has its roots in Europe. Toward the end of the 19th century Germany became the world leader in automobile production, thanks to such inventors as Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz and Nikolaus Otto. In the United States, Henry Ford revolutionized auto production with his assembly line. In this system, workers are assigned a single task and parts are assembled on conveyor belts. This method of manufacturing has become standard in the industry.
Since its inception, the automobile has changed the way we live. It has transformed cities, shaped suburbia and altered family life. It has been a catalyst for industrial development and an engine of social change. It has brought urban amenities—including jobs, schools and medical care—to rural America, and has accelerated recreational activities such as camping and skiing. It has also spawned new businesses such as hotels, motels and service stations. And it has helped usher in a culture of leisure, which has brought about such changes as suburban shopping malls, amusement parks and fast food restaurants.
There are many types of automobiles, but all share several common systems: the engine, transmission, electrical and cooling systems, the wheels and tires, and the chassis and body. The chassis is like the skeleton of a human body and houses all of the other systems. The wheel and tire system allows the automobile to move, while the suspension system absorbs the shocks of the road and keeps the car from bouncing too much.
In addition, the braking system controls the speed of the car. The steering and traction control systems help the driver maneuver the vehicle and keep it on the road. And the air conditioning system keeps the passengers comfortable.