Examples of Automobiles


Automobiles are wheeled motor vehicles that are used for transportation. They are typically designed to seat one to eight people and run on roads. The majority of cars are used to move people from point A to point B. Some examples of automobiles include: Marcus’ invention, the Daimler, and the Benz.


Benz Automobiles is a German automotive brand that specializes in luxury vehicles and commercial vehicles. The company is headquartered in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg.


Daimler automobiles have a long history. Their three-pointed star has become an iconic symbol of German engineering. Originally used on radiator grilles, this symbol was later combined with Mercedes to create the Daimler-Benz name. In 1909, the DMG board of directors approved the use of the star as the company’s trademark.

Benz’s invention

In 1886, Benz patented his Motorwagen, the first practical gasoline-powered automobile. Following this success, he made a series of breakthroughs in key automotive components. His companies struggled at first, but soon set standards for quality in Europe and inspired U.S. upstarts to follow their lead.

Marcus’ invention

Inventor Siegfried Marcus is credited with the invention of the automobile and the internal combustion engine. The man, however, is rarely mentioned in history books. The Britannica’s report on transportation does not even mention Marcus’ name, and his name is not mentioned in other encyclopedias either. But, his name has been credited with scores of major inventions.

Benz’s car

In 1886, Karl Benz applied for a patent for his car. That same year, he took his family on a trip from Mannheim to Pforzheim. It was one of the first long distance rides. In 1887, the car’s first sale was to an agent for stationary engines in Paris. A year later, at the Munich Imperial Exhibition, Benz’s car was awarded a Gold Medal. By the end of the year, Benz had sold more than 1,000 units.

George Baldwin Selden’s car

In 1895, a patent lawyer and inventor named George Baldwin Selden obtained the U.S. patent for a car. His invention revolutionized transportation, and it’s still used today.